
台湾では肺炎球菌のうち,71%がペニシリン耐性, 45% がceftriaxone耐性,95%がclarithromycin耐性と,恐ろしい状況になっている.この背景に市中での抗生物質の乱用があるという仮説のもとに調査を行ったところ,台湾でも日本と同様にひどい乱用が起こっていることがわかる.

Yung-Ching Liu, Wen-Kuei Huang, Tsi-Shu Huang, et al. Extent of antibiotic use in Taiwan shown by antimicrobial activity in urine. Lancet 1999;354:1360

Antimicrobial activity in urine was detected in 55% of 1182 patients on arrival at an emergency department, 25% of 203 internal medicine out-patients, 7% of 471 high school students, and 7% of 202 people at a centre for senior citizens.


K. Molbak and Others. An Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant, Quinolone-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhimurium DT104. N Engl J Med 1999;341:


Canadian scientists urge goverment to develop antibiotic plan. Lance 2002;360:1230
